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During NHMed 2019, participants had the opportunity to interact with professionals from the healthcare sector to gain a better understanding of their work and the field, whilst meeting peers with similar interests.

3 June '19:
Singhealth Academia
4,5 June '19:
NUS Yong Loo Lin
School of Medicine
6 June '19:
NTU School of Biological Sciences

NHMed 2019 has 2 different programmes: the full NHMed and the SingHealth-NHMed event.
SingHealth-NHMed Event
Panel Discussion with Healthcare Professionals
Tour of SingHealth Academia Facilities
Lecture Series
The Full NHMed Event (All the above and more!):
+ Focused Group Discussion sessions
+ Visit to Centre for Healthcare Simulation
+ Visit to Anatomy Museum at NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
+ Lecture series with more speakers! (Check out our Speakers List in the Menu)
Participants' Experiences
I really enjoyed myself! I was really intrigued and glad that I was chosen to come for NHMed! It enlightened me and made me more passionate and focused; it also helped me decide that medicine is the career I wish and hope to pursue. Thank you!

NHMed 2019 Montage
I think it was great especially for connecting with like-minded people and also getting more opportunities to explore into the medical field as a pre-med. Thank you very much!

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